Entries from 2016-01-01 to 1 year

Growth of amaranth that are grown in slash-and-burn

2016.5.22 2016.6.9 2016.6.18 2016.6.28 2016.7.9 2016.7.31 2016.8.9 2016.8.31 2016.9.13 2016.9.27 2016.9. 2016.10.20 2016.10.21 to be continued

Deer in Nara,June 2016


なんども読み返しながら、いまだにつかめないでいる。読み終えることができないともいう。たとえば、ここに、まえがきの冒頭を抜き書きしてみよう。 宗教は体験であって、たんに倫理からの要請ではない。信仰は主観的な信念に過ぎぬものではなく、客観的実在…

Station name that bamboo

Station of banboo that Take-eki is in the Sanko line of Shimane Prefecture.

Last local seed named Torano-o in Izumo

This is millet seed,named Torano-o in Izumo district. I got it from farmer over aged 80's lived in Okuizumo. He said it had harvested about 10 years ago, so its difficult to spraut. You take the bet, he said with laugh.I would like to chal…