
萌えいづる山の若緑も、そろそろ落ち着いた色に変わっていこうかというこの頃のことを記すものである。 コナラの新緑はこれからなのだなあと知る。食の杜の茅葺きの家からワイナリーをのぞむ場所にたつ、ひときわ大きなコナラがこんなんだった。 ウバユリの…

Izumo no Yamahari〜sec.3

It was a sunny day that unusual blue skies spread in the Sanin winter. The temperature at 10 o'clock is 8 degrees Celsius. On this day, I arranged the bamboo, repaired the fence, but it was so sweaty. There were five participants in the ac…

Wanted Volunteers to Preserve Satoyama in Okuizumo,Japan

A volunteer participant is recruiting through the menu below. It is mainly outdoor activities. Beginners, veteran, age and young and old, …anyone welcome! No problem! Because people are not enough! Please send a mail by form→ s-orochi.org …

Rough notes on slash and burn in Srilanka

It is notes on a slash-and-burn of Sri Lanka ...... As I mentioned at the very end, I think that the slash-and-burn field of Sri Lanka is parallel to and linked with paddy field cultivation and agroforestry, and has a great suggestion for …

Growth of amaranth that are grown in slash-and-burn

2016.5.22 2016.6.9 2016.6.18 2016.6.28 2016.7.9 2016.7.31 2016.8.9 2016.8.31 2016.9.13 2016.9.27 2016.9. 2016.10.20 2016.10.21 to be continued

Deer in Nara,June 2016


なんども読み返しながら、いまだにつかめないでいる。読み終えることができないともいう。たとえば、ここに、まえがきの冒頭を抜き書きしてみよう。 宗教は体験であって、たんに倫理からの要請ではない。信仰は主観的な信念に過ぎぬものではなく、客観的実在…

Station name that bamboo

Station of banboo that Take-eki is in the Sanko line of Shimane Prefecture.

Last local seed named Torano-o in Izumo

This is millet seed,named Torano-o in Izumo district. I got it from farmer over aged 80's lived in Okuizumo. He said it had harvested about 10 years ago, so its difficult to spraut. You take the bet, he said with laugh.I would like to chal…